

[testimonial url=”http://www.google.com/wp” person=”John Doe, Communications Manager”]

“Sagittis fringilla, massa et nunc. Fusce sollicitudin eros non mauris convallis gravida.

Aenean fringilla magna eu nulla euismod id tincidunt tortor adipiscing. Vestibulum elementum quam ac lacus mollis.”



Custom colors

[testimonial url=”http://www.google.com/wp” person=”John Doe, Communications Manager” bgcolor=”#208AC7″ txtcolor=”#fff”]

“Sagittis fringilla, massa et nunc. Fusce sollicitudin eros non mauris convallis gravida.

Aenean fringilla magna eu nulla euismod id tincidunt tortor adipiscing. Vestibulum elementum quam ac lacus mollis.”




[testimonial url=”http://www.google.com/wp” person=”John Doe, Communications Manager” bgcolor=”#403438″ txtcolor=”#f0eced”]

“Sagittis fringilla, massa et nunc. Fusce sollicitudin eros non mauris convallis gravida.

Aenean fringilla magna eu nulla euismod id tincidunt tortor adipiscing. Vestibulum elementum quam ac lacus mollis.”



[testimonial] shortcode parameters:

[table style=”border”]

Parameter name Parameter description Possible values Default value person The person who gave the testimonial company The company where the person who gave the testimonial works url The person or company URL size The testimonial style size small or big big
